CSTE Certification Dumps-1

CSTE - Multiple Choice Questions - Set 2

11. Typical software system defects include:

A) IT improperly interprets requirements
B) Users specify the wrong requirements
C) Requirements are incorrectly recorded
D) Designer is incompetent

12. Factors Affecting Software Testing

A) People relationships
B) Scope of testing
C) Misunderstanding life cycle testing
D) Poorly developed test plans
E) Product relationships

13. Budget and schedule constraints should not limit the ability of a tester to complete their test plan.

A) True
B) False

14. In.........the system runs tasks that involve more than one application or database to verify that it performed the tasks accurately.

A) Unit Tests
B) System Tests
C) Intergration testing
D) All of above

15. Dynamic testing requires the code to be in an executable state to perform the tests.

A) True
B) False

16. ........ testing is designed to determine if the system can function when subject to large volumes of work i.e., larger than would be normally expected. The areas that are ....... include input transactions, internal tables, disk space, output, communications, computer capacity, and interaction with people.

A) Stress
B) Stressed
C) Load
D) Loaded

17. In ........... the problem of deriving test data sets is to partition the program domain in some meaningful way so that input data sets, which span the partition, can be determined.

A) Equivalence Partitioning
B) Boundary Value Analysis
C) Pair Partitioning
D) None of Above

18. To completely test the program structure, the test data chosen may not cause the execution of all paths.

A) True
B) False

19. Zero input values and input values that cause zero outputs are examples of.....

A) Error Guessing
B) Special Value Analysis
C) Boundary Value Analysis
D) Both A & B

20. ......... is a technique for developing test cases for programs from the highlevel specifications.

A) combinatorial
B) Pair Programming
C) Cause-effect graphing
D) Tweaking
