Verbal Reasoning Questions-1

Verbal Reasoning Questions - 1

1. In some code "BASKET" is written as "5$3%#1”. "TRIED" is written as "14*#2". How is "STEER" written in the same code?

a) 3@114
b) 31##4
c) 3*#41
d) 13#44

2. In certain code the word DISTURB is written as DTWVUKF. How will you write word SAMIR in this code. 


3. A boy had 27 apples. He ate all but 10. How many is he left with?

a) 10
b) 16
c) 17
d) 0

4. Observe the below series carefully. What will be the missing part?
UCD, VEF, WGH, ____, YKL

a) VIJ
b) XIJ
c) AIJ
d) PIJ

5. Observe the below series carefully. What will be the missing part?
AMM, BOO, CQQ, _____, EUU"

a) SRR
b) GSS
c) DSS
d) IIT

6. Count the number of pairs where the same letter is shown as capital and lower case letter. 

k s d q

K S  D  Q

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

7. Ganesh is not as good a driver as kumar. who is better driver?"

a) Ganesh
b) Kumar 

8. Which word has same meaning that extends to or includes the meaning of all others?

a) truck
b) cycle
c) vehicle
d) car

9. The word outside the bracket will go with only four of the words inside the brackets to make longer words. Which one word will it not go with?

super( market, star, his, man)

a) market
b) star
c) his
d) man

10. Simple means the same as

a) equal
b) difficult
c) very
d) easy


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