Bank-PO - Completing Analogous Pair
Below are the Bank-PO - Completing Analogous Pair Questions with answers that have been asked in various Bank PO exams in the past. These Bank-PO - Completing Analogous Pair Questions will give you an idea of the type of questions asked in the Bank PO exams.
Skeleton : Body : : Grammar : ?
A) Language
B) Sentence
C) Meaning
D) Education
Bank PO 1998
Doctor : Nurse : : ? : Follower
A) Employer
B) Leader
C) Worker
D) Manager
E) Union
Bank PO 1996
Command : Order : : Confusion : ?
A) Discipline
B) Clarity
C) Chaos
D) Problem
Bank PO 1997
Push : Pull : : Throw : ?
A) Jump
B) Collect
C) Pick
D) Game
Bank PO 1997
Earth : Sun : : Moon : ?
A) Orbit
B) Sky
C) Star
D) Earth
Bank PO 1996
Bank : Money : : Transport : ?
A) Goods
B) Road
C) Traffic
D) Speed
Bank PO 1996
Cub is related to Tiger in the same way as Fawn is related to . . . .
A) Stag
B) Monkey
C) Ass
D) Sheep
Bank PO 1996
Kilogram is related to Quintal in the same way as Paisa is related to . . .
A) Rupee
B) Coin
C) Wealth
D) Money
Bank PO 1997
Pride is related to Humility in the same way as Desire is related to . . . .
A) Wish
B) Hate
C) Suppress
D) Indifference
Bank PO 1990
Tree : Sapling
A) Rock : Mountain
B) Horse : Foal
C) Giant : Dwarf
D) Hut : Mansion
Bank PO 1994
These questions have been taken from various sources like internet, Bank PO papers and book “A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning” by R S Aggarwal.